Being a superhero was not what it once was. Superman, while invulnerable, was not immune to aging. He had put on a few pounds and there was definitely the appearance of male-pattern baldness. Over the years, he had become less enamored by humanity, with their petty disagreements and lack of intelligent thought. Superman could smash through any wall, but not one made of ignorance.

Satan and his wife Sally decided it would be a nice change to move to the suburbs. So they did. After a year of boring neighbors, cleaning dog poop off their lawn and countless other annoying problems, it was the neighborhood home owners committee, which had deemed their hedges seven inches too tall, that was the last straw. As Satan and Sally walked home from the meeting, they came to the realization, maybe Hell wasn’t such a bad place after all. Yes, it was hot, but as Sally said, at least it’s a dry heat.

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